A Karis Identity: Servants
For those of us who are in Christ, our identity has been radically changed. He has paid for our sins. We are children of God. At Karis Church, we believe that core identity flows into six additional, fundamental truths about who we are.
One is that we are servants.
We are servants of God and His gospel who serve others as a way of life.
Jesus came as a servant, washing his disciples’ feet and dying for us on a cross. He calls us to the same path - to serve and give up our lives. Our sinful hearts get angry when people don’t give us honor and cater to us, but humble service of others is our calling as disciples. As Tim Chester and Steve Timmis put it, “This means joyful submission to God, to leadership and to each other, as we serve whomever God brings into our lives. We do whatever needs doing, whatever is needed and wherever it leads us.” He served that we might serve, as well.
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